
Sunday 10 August 2014

RESPONSIBILITY: Are you responsible?

Responsibility is taken from two words; response and ability. I have heard many people ask the question, “WHO AM I”.  It is not a wrong question but if only we can carefully look within, we can discover that it’s a question we have surreptitiously answered. For every challenge, every problem, every crises life throws at you, life asks you the question “Who Are You?”

Life asks us this question daily. Weather In our career, marriage, business or relationship. What truly defines who we really are, depends on how we answer the question. Do we respond or do we react?
Reactive people are those who bend to the wind of difficulty. They prefer to play the blame game.  They blame circumstance, they blame the government, they blame their boss for not increasing their pay cheque, and they blame their spouse for not being a better partner. Unknowingly they have become irresponsible; giving other people the power and circumstance the wit to define who they are. They ignore the fact that they have an inherent ability to be an agent of change.
On the other hand there are some of us that don’t react to life, rather, we respond with our ability: This is responsibility; it’s the ability to hold yourself accountable for what happens in your life, to take initiative. This is what defines who you are. It is what separate success from failures. 

Responsible people don’t wait for change, they effectuate change. They don’t wait for luck, they prepare themselves for opportunities. They develop themselves; they always treat others the way they want to be treated. They make the most of where they find themselves per time.

Make a decision today to be responsible, choose to be accountable for your success. Whatever difficult circumstances you are facing, you have the ability to win. Remember that each moment you choose to be reactive rather than responsive, you subconsciously hibernate your abilities. 

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