
Friday 8 August 2014


Like I said in my previous post, we all have potential. You could as well own a land  with the biggest diamond deposit in the word and still be poor. The fact that that you are poor doesn’t mean the diamond isn’t there. The diamonds are there but begging to be discovered and mined.  So is our potential. The fact that you are unfulfilled and unhappy with the way your life is going is a sign that you are not yet living up your potential and you have to discover yourself.

Many of us are living the dreams of our parent, friends and family member. Some of us are doing what we are doing trying to prove a point to someone may be an ex.  These are all wrong ways to live. If these are the motivation for doing what you are doing, it may lead to unhappiness. The fact that all your family members are Doctors doesn’t automatically mean you must be a Doctor.Don't live someone else dream. Below are three steps that can help you discover your potential.

1. Listen to yourself:  learn to listen to what you love. I mean that deep craving in your heart, the very thing you can do without being paid. Call it your passion. You feel fulfilled, time seem to fly by when you’re engaged in this activity and you love doing it.

2. Pray for direction: Every manufacturer has an end use for every product. For example the pen is meant to write; therefore it is design to write.  Cars are design differently from pen because cars are not design to write, they are design for locomotion. We are a product of God and God has a plan for our lives.
 Jeremiah 29:11. I strongly believe that if you are confused about your purpose and what exactly you should do with your life; ask him he will tell yo.Matthew 7:7. Why this step Is very important is that sometimes you can have many passion, your heart can be craving for more than one passion. you need God to direct you so you will be able to separate your primary passion and potential from your secondary. 

3.Take step: you can’t tap into your potential if you don’t take steps. Whatever you are doing at the moment you can still make out time to pursue your dream. Don’t live all your life fulfilling someone else dream. Are you passionate about business? While you are working you can start up your business and manage it after work time. You can pick up evening classes and part time courses to pursue your dream career.   Find a way not an excuse. 
I want to end this post by sharing with you a story of Joe Bottomly, and how he went on to discover his potential.

After over 30 years as a trial lawyer in Montana, in his mid-50s, Joe decided it was time to think about what he truly wanted to do with the rest of his life. He found himself feeling unmotivated, having been in a high stress, ultra-competitive field his entire life. Having previously dabbled in ceramics and drawing, Bottomly decided to leave his career, pack his bags, and move to Italy to enroll in an intensive art course at the Florence Academy of Art. Joe spent three years pursuing his passion, spending around 60 hours a week in the studio, making paintings. Going from being a qualified expert in his career to being a novice learner was “a slice of humble pie” for Bottomly, who was eager to keep learning, even in his 50s. “When you have a profession you got some success in, you identify yourself as that thing. You get a certain amount of ego satisfaction, also, structure in your identity,” Bottomly said, adding that he wanted to show people that you can learn at any age. He just graduated this summer and plans to pursue his career as an artist full time.  
credit for this story goes to

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