
Thursday 7 August 2014


“The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become.” ~ Ben Herbster

          Matthew was a talented and creative designer who loved to put concepts together. However he was raised in a poor family and had experienced that embarrassing feeling of frequently being the only kid in his class without cool shoes, or the latest gadget. While he loved designing, he felt it couldn’t make him money so he went for more traditional methods such as Accounting.   
         No matter how hard he stuck at it he found himself stressed, unhappy and even worse, and poor as he couldn’t seem to climb up the ladder to success.
Finally in desperation Matthew started to do some designing for friends on the side just to keep himself sane. At first it was a free thing, but as his designs were shown to others, people started to ask to pay him. He discovered that you could actually be doing something you loved and get paid for it. He just wishes he’d known that a lot earlier.
         The story of Matthew may not be too different from yours. You may feel stuck at the wrong Job, reading the wrong course or doing something that doesn’t give you fulfillment. You may have this feeling of emptiness lurking inside of you. Well! This is time to listen to you. It’s the time to listen to the voice inside of you. Time to discover yourself, Time to discover your potential!

       You can be anything you want to be, a Doctor, an Engineer, an author, just Name it. However not all of these will give you fulfillment. It is only when you discover your potential, that you will experience fulfillment.  When we talk about potential we talk about the inherent capacity for coming into being, your gift, ability, talent, and purpose; that one thing you do effortlessly, and you have fun doing it. 
Everyone has talent the bible says that God gave gift to all men- Ephesians 4:8. For Matthew it was designing. Yours could be sculptor, music, acting, or writing. Whatever it is, understand that discovering your potential is the path to fulfillment.

“Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” ~ Zig Ziglar

 I will be sharing with you how to discover your potential in my next post. If you love what you read don’t forget to share. 

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